I know that it was here - along with being very hectic and tiring, that is.
On Sat - mom, Jenny, Darryl, Valerie, & Kris came over and we did a bit of baking. I think we made a total of about 35 pounds of Fudge, 8 batches of rice krispie treats, and about 100 cookies. What a busy day that was. That night we went for "Christmas Tacos" with Maryann and Linda. The girls got tons of toys from grandma and Auntie. It was a good nigh
t - we were able to sit and relax for a while and just talk.
It was a busy Christmas Eve. We started out by visiting Karen and Craig. The girls had a blast playing with the kids and I enjoyed being able to see Karen again (It has been about 2 months). We were only able to stay for 2-3 hours, but I know that we are going to tea on Thursday so at least I can see her again soon.
After that we went home to clean a bit for Christmas. We were also able to finish up a bit of last minute wrapping and "hiding". Kevin bought the girls a TinkerBell Dresser for the playhouse - we cleaned the playhouse and then put the dresser in so that they could find it in the morning.
Maryann came over for a bit and we did the Tamale thing for dinner on Christmas eve. It was nice spendind time with Grandma a bit. The girls always enjoy the time with her.
On Christmas the house of crowded. We had about 30 people here and boy does my house feel small with all those people in it. I really enjoyed having the new sofa set though. It sure made it nice with all those people. Before everyone got here, we opened our gifts. We got Kevin a 3 days Singles cruise (I made an album for his pictures), I got a cricut from him, and tim some tools. I got tim new tube steps for his truck, as well as a new pair of boots, and he got me a new lens and a new flash for my camera. 
Regan was happy - she got a Robosapien and a pair of Heeleys.
Ahnika was perhaps the happiest - this year santa fulfilled her greatest wish - a Roach farm. It has two Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches in it that
she absolutely loves. It is the only thing she has asked Santa for for the last two years. She also got a pair of Heeleys.
Over all - it was a great and exhausting day.
I can't wait to do it again next year.