Thursday, August 24, 2006

As if I don't already have enough to do,

I am now on a Jury. YEAH - This is my very first time being picked for a jury. It will be interesting to say the least. I have always wondered what the experience was like, I guess it is time to find out. Since the girls are not in school this week, they are staying with grandma during the days.

I am excited about Friday night. Karen & I are getting together to scrap. We also got together last Saturday night at the Oasis. Yeah - I can't believe that we talked the guys into two weeks in a row. I also have three classes that are coming up at I love Scrapping. The first is a gift bucket/sports bucket class, the second is a BBQ LO, and the third is a Hawaiian themed LO. I also have quite a few classes on the calender for upcoming months.

On less happy news, we all start back to school next week (the girls have their last week of summer school) and I start all of my stuff next week. No kids untilt he 5th though. This is my 12th year teaching and boy did it fly by. It doesn't seem to be going very fast when you are in it, but looking back it is hard to believe that it has been that long. The girls actually start back on the 6th (Ahnika & Kiana) and the 7th (Regan). Regan says that she is a little nervous because of the school change, but I am sure that she will do great. Ahnika is also a little apprehensive because she is changing classrooms. She has been in Rm 1 with Ms. Jayasekera and Ms Hann for the last 4 years, she is moving into Rm. 6 with Mrs. Hahn & Ms. Genet. Fortunaltely she has spent some time with them already (three weeks fduringt he summer). Kiana will stay in romm 1 with her favorite teachers. It is so nice to know that the teachers genuinely care about the girls. I think that that is the hardeest part of sending Regan to a new school. Not knowing the teachers or the staff at the school. Mom is a little nervous too, I suppose. LOL

Sunday, August 20, 2006

BUSY Busy busy...

Well swimming is finally over for the summer. After 8 weeks, I am a little happy that I am not going to be sitting on the pool deck everyday. Especially now that I am on the soccer field as well.

Of the two teams we are coaching this year, both are purple/lavender in color. The little girls (U6) have chosen the name "PURPLE PUMAS". The older girls (U8) have yet to choose. We are not choaching Regans team so we do not know what color hers is yet. Who knows maybe it will be purple as well. Tim was happy - ONLY ONE SHIRT to buy.

On a sadder note, I am also getting ready to start back to school, as are the girls. I think they are looking forward to it much more than I am. We have been very busy making sure everyone has clothes and shoes that fit and that they look good for the first day back. It seems that no matter how old you are it is always a bit nerve racking.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well it is that time of year!

The soccer season is getting started. Things have changed a bit from last year though.

The first change is that Kiana is finally old enough to actually play, and not just sit on the side lines and cry because she can't play or sneak on the field during the middle of the game. She has been dying to play and she is so excited that she has a team and a coach all of her own.

The second change is that because of Kiana playing, we are now going to have to try to juggle three games on Saturdays and three sets of practices during hte week. All three girls are in different divisions. We are coaching two teams, Ahnika & Kiana's teams. We will also help the other team, but not as a coach. Tim and Kevin will undoubtably ref enough games to get htem to the tournament.

The thrid change is that this year, I am on the Board as the U6 Commissioner. All this means is that I organize all of the U6 teams, fix problems that they have and make sure that it runs smoothly. I am having a blast and all the kinks are getting worked out.

In addition to soccer season starting the girls have also spending this week at the Seahorses camp. This one, the full day camp, is the girls favorite because they eat at the Biola cafe, and then get to swim in the pool at free swim. They play soccer in between. Like I said the girls love it. They have also fallen in love with the coaches and the Seahorse Team. The players of this PDL team are awesome. One of the things that I love about the team is their commitment to God. They teach parables and verses to the kids. They pray with the girls and just set good examples all around. THe girls love them. Ahnika has taking a particular interest into "Coach Beefcutter" who is the goalie (since she sees herself as one as well).

She even has a Seahorse jersey with his number on it. It is very cute. Regan on the other hand has taken to "Coach Redneck". His number is on Regan's jersey.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week.