I missed Kiana's game because Regans and hers overlaped. Since Tim is the coach of the Pumas (Kiana's team) he had to be there. This of course means that I was at Regan's. When I got to Kiana's game (i pulled up as they were going through the tunnel), she ran up to me and said, in asad little voice, :I didn't make any goals". It was so cute. She wants so badly to make a goal (she made one last week remember), but she is literally 2 years younger than the rest of the kids on the field (and it shows). She should be playing U5, but because we are coaching the team, she is playing U6. She is tall for her age, but still short on the fields.
Ahnikas team did good, but we had 7 players that were sick or not there. Three of the girls were on the field not feeling well, in fact on told us that she thought that she was going to through up, another (our best player) started crying onthe field, because she wasn't feeling well. Needless to say - this wasn't the best game we played, but they still played very well.
Regans team did well as well. Carlos has finally figured out that if he says something to Regan she will try harder. She had quite a few good kicks yesterday and played a good game. The thing that I think she needs to work on is her running. She likes to jog instead of sprint. I think that this is, in large part, our fault for having her run 3 miles. She is used to pacing herself and has built up slow twitch muscles and know she has to build up some fast twitch. At this point, she is starting to run sprint laps every day (in fact everyone is running them).

Tim too has a little bit of news, he has gottent he new position and he is totally happy about it. He has said, at least a few times since Friday afternoon "I got it" with a big ole smile on his face. I am very happy for him. He also got a little good news on the soccer field. He is now an Intermediate Referee. He was observed yesterday and was promoted from an area ref (which is the first level.
This is what the girls were doing while Tim was reffing one of his games. They thought that it was great fun to swing Kiana by her limbs. Kiana thought that it was great fun too. I remember that I loved to do this as well.

Well it is about time for me to sign off. I hope everyone has a great week.